IZI LLC Instructor Biographies



IZI LLC: Kamailelauli’I Rafaelovich, President

Lifelong approval as an IZI LLC Instructor

Kamaile Rafaelovich is president of The Foundation of I, Inc. Freedom of the Cosmos and IZI LLC. She met Morrnah in 1969 and over several years learned ho’oponopono and the ancient art of Lomilomi-Hawaiian massage. Morrnah invited Kamaile to continue working with her over the years as the Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® process came into being and the Foundation of I, Inc. was formed. Kamaile is president of Bingboard Consulting LLC and principal broker for her real estate company, The Pele Group, Inc.. She later received her MBA from Hawaii Pacific University. Kamaile works with her daughter and son in law to manage HO’OMAU RANCH, a 1600-acre working ranch and forested property on the slopes of Mauna Loa in South Kona on Hawai’i Island. The forestry work includes restoration, preservation and conservation of native Hawaiian forests and critically endangered species. Kamaile is ever grateful for the opportunity to learn, practice and share the SITH®. PEACE ALWAYS



Ho'akamai LLC: Constance ZHoku=Pana Webber, Manager

Lifelong approval as an IZI LLC Instructor

Constance ZHoku=Pana Webber is Chairperson of the Board for The Foundation of I, Inc. Freedom of the Cosmos and an IZI LLC Representative from 1980 to the present. She has been given the designation as a Forester: Lifelong approval as an IZI LLC Instructor. Constance and Bill Webber set up Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona’s first tour in the U.S. in 1980. She is involved with all the IZI LLC sponsors Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® classes worldwide. Constance has taught the SITH® classes with Morrnah and as a Master Instructor.

She is eternally grateful for having this priceless gift of SITH® in her life. She experiences the Grace, Peace and Blessings that the application of SITH® brings to her life, family, relatives and ancestors.




Paddy ‘0, LLC MARY KOEHLER, Manager.

Mary Koehler is the IZI LLC Master Coordinator and IZI LLC Master Instructor for IZI LLC sponsors Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® classes. Mary Koehler has a Bachelor of Science degree in Education. She attended her first SITH® class in 1997, and began coordinating classes in Oregon a year later and then coordinated classes in Canada, Ireland and England. She has taught classes ONLINE in US, South America, Europe, Former Soviet Union, Middle East, Asia and Australia and classes IN PERSON in the US, Canada, South America, Europe, Former Soviet Union, Middle East, Asia and Australia. As IZI LLC Master Coordinator and IZI LLC Master Instructor, she works with the IZI LLC Coordinators and Instructors worldwide to assist in the scheduling and developing of SITH® classes. Mary Koehler and her husband Kurt have raised seven (7) children and enjoy a large extended family. Together with her husband, Mary owns and manages Star Farms LLC, a 116-acre tree farm in Oregon. Her application of the SITH® process, when applying SITH® to family life and forest care, has made the business of life much easier. She is so grateful to have found the Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® practice.




was previously a Registered Nurse for many years now retired. She has been practicing Hooponopono since 2008 . The first class she attended was in West Hawaii where Ihaleakala Hew Len, PH.D. was the presenter. She also participated in the Basic II in 2012 again presented by Ihaleakala Hew Len, Ph.D and Mary Koehler, Master Coordinator for IZI LLC sponsored Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® classes. Barbara has been instructing since 2009 and to date has taught classes ONLINE in Brisbane, Queensland Australia, and Dublin, Ireland and classes IN PERSON in Perth Western Australia, Brisbane Queensland, Melbourne Victoria, Gold Coast Queensland, Sydney NSW and Auckland New Zealand. She recognizes SITH® has made a huge difference not only to herself but also to her 3 children, 3 grandchildren, and 2 great-grandchildren. Cleaning moment to moment brings a sense of joy and contentment to her life and she remains eternally grateful for being allowed to practice this sacred process.



first attended Self I-Dentity Through Ho’oponopono SITH® class in May 2008, in Los Angeles with Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len.

In November 2008, she became a coordinator and conducted the first SITH® class in Asia, in Tokyo Japan.
She has been instructing since 2020 and to date has taught classes ONLINE in Japan, China, Taiwan, and Korea.

Practicing the SITH® process has completely changed her life from living with competition and striving, to living in acceptance of true self and finding the flow.

Her life has changed drastically since living from a state of “I DON’T KNOW”.

She is deeply grateful to the SITH® process Morrnah has left us in her legacy, and to all the pioneers who have carried on this method, as well as all the coordinators around the world.

She feels blessed by the opportunity to have coordinated the SITH® classes in the Asia region, including countries such as Japan, Taiwan, Korea, China, Malaysia and Singapore throughout the years.

She has been involved in marketing, promotion and public relations business for 31 years, as the founder of Serene Co., Ltd.



was introduced to Morrnah Simeona in 1984 when she took her first Self-Identity through Ho’oponopono® class in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Taking numerous SITH® classes with Morrnah and Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, within three years she became a staff member of the Foundation of I, Inc. Freedom of the Cosmos; and became Coordinator and Instructor in 1991 for Philadelphia and later, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Caroline has a Bachelor of Science degree in Education, a certificate in grant writing, and works in non-profit resource development. She has taught SITH® lectures and classes IN PERSON in the US, Argentina, Former Soviet Union, Asia, and Canada; and ONLINE lectures and classes in Anchorage, Alaska, Washington DC, and Japan.

She is deeply grateful for SITH®, applying the tools with Self, and her experiences moving through LIFE—relationships, health, finances, work environments, etc., cleaning memories replaying as blocks and problems that show up and allowing for Perfect and Right solutions, resources, and ideas to manifest.

The realization that the cause of and the solution to all her problems is within herself has been a most profound and life-changing experience. Through the practice of this simple and sacred SITH® process–letting go and letting GOD– she experiences a deep appreciation for the Divinity in herself and in all of Creation. Applying SITH® tools with her sons and family relationships has been invaluable in allowing for a more peaceful existence for all. Peace Begins with Me




is a guest instructor for IZI LLC sponsors Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® classes. Christine holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business & Finance. She attended her first SITH® class in 1998 with Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, and started applying the practice immediately following. She has taught classes IN PERSON in the US, Japan, and Canada and taught classes ONLINE in the US, Japan, South Korea, Brazil, India, Portugal, Turkey and Spain.

Christine applies the process to the practical side of her work with construction accounting. “I find that with the cleaning process, work flows more smoothly. Even when problems arise, which is often, solutions come forward when I get to the work of the cleaning.

Christine has raised three children using the SITH® process. “It is my experience that the only way I know how to properly parent my teenaged children is to clean, let go and listen for Inspired words to say to my children.” Christine feels so grateful to have been given the gift of Self-I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® as it makes it a possibility to experience freedom in the moment.

Christine is an IZI LLC Instructor offering SITH® Private Sessions ONLINE in Lisbon, Portugal.




For Claudiu, the question “Who am I ?” is the question to which Claudiu has been searching for answers for a long period by looking in different places. In 2011 while participating in his first SITH® Basic I class he learned from Mary Koehler-My Wild Irish Rose that all he needs to do is to “Look at myself” and apply the cleaning tools to get the right and perfect answers for whatever he notices & experiences in his life.

He is very grateful for the SITH® process and to all instructors because now he has all the tools he needs to get back in Flow to enjoy his LIFE’s journey.

Claudiu has experienced great benefits of cleaning in all aspects of his life : Family (He has a beautiful wife and two fantastic kids) Business/professional career, Relationship and in other areas that he is not even aware about.
Since 2015, Claudiu has been part of the staff in SITH® classes and from 2019 an IZI LLC Coordinator for Romania so he can share this incredible Gift of Life while cleaning his memories with all students.
He has taught classes ONLINE in Hawaii, Alaska, Kentucky, USA and Romania.

He is very grateful for the SITH process and tools that he can apply moment by moment on himself because like Rumi said:”

Yesterday I was SMART and tried to change the World , but today I am WISE and try to change only Myself”




In 2008 Debbie almost missed the flight to her first Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® Basic I class with Ihaleakala Hew Len PhD in Hawaii. Keenly, she followed up with classes in Japan and Italy with Dr Hew Len. In 2009 Debbie began coordinating SITH® Basic I classes in Australia initially taught by Dr Ihaleakala Hew Len and Mary Koehler. She then returned to complete SITH® Basic II in 2012 in Hawaii with Ihaleakala Hew Len PhD and Mary Koehler. After 30 plus years in a caring/helping profession, she is forever grateful to Morrnah Simeona for the gift of Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® in which Self, not others, is the priority…what a huge relief! Debbie has coordinated and taught SITH® classes ONLINE in Brisbane and Gold Coast, Australia and had the privilege of teaching a Hawaii, USA class and recently a Dublin, Ireland class. She has coordinated and taught classes IN PERSON in Perth, Brisbane, Sunshine Coast, Geelong, Sydney, Melbourne and Gold Coast, Australia and Auckland, New Zealand; and coordinated the first SITH® Basic II class in Brisbane, Australia. Debbie finds the daily practice of SITH® brings peace and balance to everyday life, especially in the roles of grandmother, mother and community nurse. Aloha and Thank You!



became interested in Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® in 2009. Intrigued by this Hawaiian method, Dieliz flew from Puerto Rico to Washington, DC to attend the Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® class. Since that time, Dieliz has attended the Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® Business Ho’oponopono class, the Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® Health Ho’oponopono class and the Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® Basic II Ho’oponopono class. In 2012, she started staffing classes in Washington, DC. She became an IZI LLC Coordinator in 2016; coordinating the first class of Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Dieliz has given classes IN PERSON in San Juan, PR and Philadelphia, PA and ONLINE on Kona, Hawaii and Washington, D.C. Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® has changed her life and has helped her heal and release memories that were stopping her from becoming her best self. Dieliz appreciates the opportunity to clean moment by moment.

Dobrina Uzunova

Dobrina Uzunova

was introduced to the Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® Hawaiian method of problem solving in 2015. Having “accidentally” heard the word “Ho’oponopono” in a conversation with an acquaintance, she immediately realized that this was her practice. Her interest in the strange word Ho’oponopono introduces her to Gulya Kekaulike Polikoff, the authorised coordinator and instructor of IZI LLC.

In 2016, Dobrina took her first SITH® class.” From that day on, she applies the process every day and makes her world a better and cleaner place. She is eternally grateful to Gula Kekalika Polikoff for carrying this knowledge around the world, for her tireless work, cleaning and support. Gulya inspired Dobring to dive even deeper into the practice.

In 2024, she became an instructor of SITH® in Bulgaria. She is endlessly happy and grateful to have become part of the IZI LLC family. Peace and Miracles to everyone.


has been practicing the Self I-Dentity through Ho`oponopono® process as a way of life since meeting Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona and taking her first class in 1983.

She holds a Bachelor of Science in Individual and Family Studies, is a mother, business owner, teacher and IZI LLC Coordinator and Instructor since 1987. She applies the SITH(R) process moment by moment to her daily business of life. She has coordinated and instructed IN PERSON classes in the USA. She has taught classes IN PERSON in Australia and USA. She has taught ONLINE classes in Europe, South America, USA and Mexico.

“I am eternally grateful to the I and Morrnah for the gift of Love, Healing, Peace, Freedom and Balance this process brings to me, my family, relatives and ancestors and all of Creation.”




searched for 40 years for the solution to her experiencing unexplainable terror until February, 1982. While hearing Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona speak on Ho’oponopono to an audience of educators, Dr. Lee heard an inner voice exclaim, “I know that lady! This is the answer. We don’t have to search anymore.”

She then became a student of Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® (SITH®) taught and mentored by Morrnah who invited Dr. Lee to participate in SITH® teachings and meditations as staff and instructor.

Dr. Jarnie has taught classes ONLINE in the USA – Hawaii (Honolulu & Maui), Anchorage, Alaska & EUROPE (Bucharest, Romania) and classes IN PERSON in the USA – Hawaii (Honolulu, Maui & Big Island), Philadelphia, PA, San Mateo, CA, Austin, TX, New York, NY, and Richmond, BC, CANADA.

As a practicing psychologist, Dr. Lee does not practice psychology – she practices Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® (SITH®).
When she was filled with a sudden rush of INCREDIBLE LOVE and PEACE during her mom’s transition in the hospital, then at home and at her mom’s memorial service, Dr. Lee made a promise to herself that she would practice SITH® for the rest of her life.



She lives with her husband and two children in Almeria, the city of Indalo, in southern Spain.
She works as an artistic drawing teacher in a public Art School.

Her first IZI LLC class was in 2016 and she deeply felt that she had to continue attending SITH® classes. Today she knows more of “who I am” and her purpose. Being aware of this brings Elena PEACE.

Elena Maria has taught classes ONLINE – in Mexico (Tijuana and Puebla) and classes IN PERSON in Spain (Madrid and Barcelona).




learned the Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® process in 2010 from Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len and Mary Koehler, and he was impressed by the combination of simplicity and power of this process.

Using the Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® tools helped him reduce the level of stress dramatically, and brought a sense of peace, ease and freedom in his life. In his business this approach was more efficient than any training, coaching or other method he used before, bringing much better results with less effort than before.

He is married and has a beautiful wife and two lovely children. He has a Master in Engineering and runs his own business in the field of health and wellbeing. He has taught classes IN PERSON in Romania, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Japan, Russia, Turkey and Ireland, and ONLINE classes in US and Europe. Emil is an IZI LLC Instructor doing SITH® Private Sessions in Romania in English and Romanian.

He is deeply grateful for this amazing gift to have the chance to use Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® in his life. Letting go and letting God brings him peace, clarity and happiness, day by day.



learned Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® from Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len & Mary Koehler-My Wild Irish Rose in 2010.

She has participated as a staff in almost all seminars in Romania since 2011 until now.
Since 2019, she has coordinated IZI LLC classes in Brasov Romania.

Florentina Saigau has taught ONLINE classes in Romania.

She is grateful for the “treasures” received from the wonderful instructors she worked with.
She is grateful for having had the opportunity to publish in Romanian the Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona book: Dewdrops of Wisdom.
She has a law degree, specialized in human resources, and has her own business in personnel payroll and administration.

Florentina uses SITH® in every aspect of her life to achieve balance, love, and peace… Now, the solution to any problem is: Clean.

She is grateful beyond words to Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona and to all those who represent and are working for IZI LLC.

Gal (sigalit) Bason ND, LMT, NAET

Gal (sigalit) Bason ND, LMT, NAET

was born in Israel and relocated to the USA in 2001 and raised her family with 3 kids in Massachusetts. She took her first class in 2016 with Jean – Pierre JP Deluca in Boston MA and since then she continually takes classes all over the world including Basic II which she currently practices. Her experience with SITH® taught her that we are here to clean and only to clean, with how she lives her life, from breathing to her relationship with everyone and everything. Gal said: “it changed my life completely” How wonderful it is to be free to plant her garden, her trees, and to relate to the land, to see the identity of chaos and her own perfect order and to understand the Silence and be friends with it by simply remembering who am I and who is in charge!

Her experience with SITH® has guided her to get back to her Jewish heritage. Her experience is going back home on all DNA memories that replay in her on physical, physiological & emotional levels. She fell in love with all identities and the meaning of taking 100% responsibility and living it moment by moment, “just Do it” as Dr Ihaleakala Hew Len used to say. “it feels like riding the wave and being in the perfect rhythm” when I clean…



Garima Kaushal

Garima Kaushal

attended her first Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® Business class with Patricia Leolani Hill in October 2020, and the strong connection and inspiration became her way of living. She went on to staff more than 20 ONLINE classes in the next 2 years, which brought her closer to herself than she had ever felt before.

The most self-awakening gift that SITH® gave Garima was her ability to clean with her overthinking. Every time she would overthink any situation, she would instead start cleaning. To every incoming thought she said, “I LOVE YOU”, “THANK YOU”. As she did this she started noticing her life transforming into something so magnificent where she was attracting opportunities and good news from unexpected places.

Garima applies the SITH® method in her practice as an actor, psychological counselor and mental health therapist. She is eternally grateful to Morrnah and Divinity for this beautiful sacred process and the opportunity to clean with self, family, ancestors, work and everything around, in her everyday life.

Wishing you and your family peace beyond understanding.

Geetika Kaushal Taneja

Geetika Kaushal Taneja

has been practicing Ho’oponopono for last 10 years and took her first SITH® class in 2015. In her first class she experienced a deep sense of peace that got anchored in her and has stayed with her ever since, through all ups & downs of life.

Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® (SITH®) is a way of life for her and she has been in awe of the profoundness of this beautiful & holistic practice.

She experienced miraculous transformations in her romantic relationships, finding a life partner, creating a loving, balanced married life as well creating a business & financial abundance from scratch using SITH® & just being in the flow of life & inspiration.

She is a Neuroplastician and has studied various healing modalities including energy healing, somatic healing, neuroscience, etc., but when she attended the first SITH® class she found what she had been searching for. All the missing pieces fell in place.

She is a Neuro Somatic Coach and applies SITH® in all her work with clients & the business processes.

Prior to this she has worked with the Government in developing and implementing Policies for the underprivileged sections of India.

She has also worked as a social worker with children with special needs, differently abled and orphans which has been very close to her heart.

After years of cleaning she felt inspired to become a SITH® Coordinator in 2022 and feels blessed to be able to bring SITH® to India. She began instructing in 2023.




If you want to experience miracles in your life – clean!”, – says Kekaulike. Being very analytical with two Master Degrees in Psychology and an MBA it took quite some time for her to realize that analysis is leading nowhere and to live at Peace is the way of life. She had great results by applying Ho’oponopono in health, relationships with family and colleagues, business matters, unhappy clients and even with property sales! Kekaulike is a living encyclopedia of stories on how Ho’oponopono changed her life and people around her. She appreciates Morrnah’s teaching that she learned from Ihaleakala Hew Len, Ph.D. and Mary Koehler and keeps cleaning to be one with the Divine – memory free. Since 2013 she has coordinated classes. In 2014, Kekaulike coordinated the first ever SITH® class live online. She has taught classes ONLINE and in person in: cities in Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Latvia, Lithuania, NH, USA, Bulgaria, Israel, Belarus. She also conducts private IZI Sessions in Russian, English and with Bulgaria translation.



attended the Self I-Dentity Through Ho’oponopono SITH® class in 2009 and 2011 with Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len and Mary Koehler- My Wild Irish Rose. She hasn’t passed a single day without cleaning. By applying SITH® Irene has discovered her true Self and her life has completely changed – from living with dissatisfaction in debt and fear, to experiencing love, fulfillment, freedom and balance.

Irene has raised two children and is also a master LomiLomi practitioner, author, and a TV-producer for a children’s channel in Munich.

Irene has taught classes ONLINE in Germany, Italy, Japan, China, Taiwan, Romania and IN PERSON in Germany, Japan, Italy, Turkey.

As an IZI LLC Instructor Irene is doing SITH® Private Sessions in Munich, Germany for German and English speaking students.




was first introduced to SITH® in 1982 when Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona was inspired to go to the island of Maui, Hawaii to teach a Basic I class “Looking only at self” and taking action to be responsible to “clean self” no matter what happens are the greatest gifts she learned from Morrnah Simeona. 

Over a span of 40 years+ of cleaning, Jean continues to experience life’s challenges spiritually, mentally and physically.  Through it all, she says, 

Peace within self can emerge if you just stick to “cleaning self.”  She is eternally grateful to Divinity and Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona for these timeless gifts as we all become a salvation to one another.

Jean has taught IN PERSON classes in Hawaii, Taiwan, Japan, Brazil, and China; ONLINE classes that include the USA, Asia, South America, Europe, and India and ONLINE/IN PERSON classes in Asia.



was introduced to Self I-Dentity through Ho`oponopono® (SITH®) by Morrnah Nalamuku Simeona and Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len in 1986 and has never looked back. She was approved as an IZI LLC Instructor for SITH® classes in 1992 and has served as a coordinator, instructor, and staff at various IN PERSON and ONLINE SITH® classes offered in the mainland United States and in South America. She recently retired from her professional role as a medical school student affairs dean. She uses SITH® moment to moment in her experiences of life.




attended his first SITH® class in 2011 in Riccione, Italy, with Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len and Mary Koehler – My Wild Irish Rose. From then on, he has continuously been taking part in Ho’oponopono seminars both as student and staff. Lorenzo has got a Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering, and works for a University Spin-off. He applies Ho’oponopono on himself, with his family, with plants, trees and animals in the farm where he lives. He also practices the cleaning process in his engineer work with robots and machines in general, obtaining amazing results. He is immensely grateful for having learned Self I-Dentity Through Ho’oponopono®, because his life continuously improves due to the practice of this powerful gift. Since 2019 he has taught classes in Italy, both IN PERSON and ONLINE.



learnt Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® with Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len & Mary Koehler – My Wild Irish Rose in 2008, beginning with the Basic I class in Brno, then the Business class in Amsterdam and finally the Basic II class in 2012 in Hawaii.

For Mahayana, the SITH® process is the ‘missing link’ in self-knowledge as she has gained a completely different experience of daily life & business dealings since she started to practice Ho’oponopono. She is grateful beyond words to Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona & Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len.

Mahayana was diagnosed with cancer in 2010, and received spontaneous remission 9 months later, without any medical interference. She is also a mother and a grandmother and says “all heartedly” that she only benefits from peace of mind, self-trust & inspiration as she simply applies the cleaning process moment per moment, something absolutely anyone can do.

She has taught IN PERSON Basic I, Business & Health classes in Ireland, Germany, Turkey, the UK, IN PERSON as well as ONLINE classes in Ireland, Brazil, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea & China, and ONLINE Basic II. Mahayana is an author, a mentor and has 30+ years of experience teaching and working with self-realization processes.




met Morrnah Simeona and Ihaleakala Hew Len in 1985 when she took her first class in Honolulu, Hawaii. As she applies the Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® process, she sees changes in her life: toxic memories get released; spiritual, mental and physical healing occurs; and she moves to the right place and time. There is nothing that doesn’t yield to the SITH® process when she takes 100% responsibility and does the cleaning.

Marian was coordinator for New York State from 1989 – 1999, coordinator for Austin, TX, 2016 – 2019, and St. Paul, MN – 2019. She was volunteer staff for Ihaleakala and Mary Koehler during their European tours in 2007 and 2008 which included classes in The Netherlands, Ireland, Germany and England. She has instructed IN PERSON classes in the United States, Austria, Brazil, Peru, Russia, and Kazakhstan, ONLINE classes in the USA, and ONLINE/IN PERSON classes in the USA.

Professionally, she holds a Master’s of Science degree in the Conservation of Artistic and Historic artifacts. Now retired, she was the founding Head of Conservation at the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of the American Indian for almost three decades. Through the cleaning, she saw profound changes in herself and those around her.

Marian currently lives in the mountains of Western North Carolina where each day, she is forever grateful to The Divinity, Morrnah and Ihaleakala for infinite love and knowing that we are only here to make amends and it all begins with self.



has been practicing Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® since 2009 and feels eternally grateful for the positive impact it has had on her life. In 2015, Martha became a part of Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len’s cleaning team, and in 2016, she and her mother were chosen to expand the Zero Wise website to Spanish. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Psychology, and has served as a Spanish translator for MsKr Radio Shows and Online Zerolag.biz SITH® classes. For Martha, Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® is a way of life, in which one can experience one’s own true freedom and peace, through cleaning your relationship with everything. She has taught IN PERSON in Mexico, Peru, Spain, and the USA and ONLINE in Brazil and Canada.



attended his first SITH® class in 1997 presented by Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len and has since helped staff, coordinate and instruct IN PERSON Basic I, Business Hoʻoponopono and Health Ho’oponopono classes in the USA, Japan, Korea, Bulgaria and Peru. Marvin also taught ONLINE Basic I and Basic II Classes in the USA, Argentina and Portugal and has taught ONLINE/IN PERSON Basic I and Business Hoʻoponopono in the USA. His difficult experiences with relationships, health, work and finances, and the stress caused by these experiences prompted him to “explore” the SITH® process introduced to him by his best friend. Looking back now, he doesn’t know how he got out of those situations. Working only on himself, Marvin was able to experience being “healed” and effect the “change” in himself and his family. He applies the cleaning process every moment and watches the SITH® process work. Using SITH® enabled him to experience Peace within, able to let go of his confusion, worries, fear, stress, and uncertainties. It also allows him to forge a deeper and more meaningful relationships with his spouse and family. Furthermore, it allows him to deeply appreciate everything around him, his family, friends, co-workers, nature and all of Divinity’s creations. Marvin is an IZI LLC Instructor doing SITH® Private Sessions in San Mateo, CA USA.



has been a student of SITH® since January 1988. She was fortunate to have been able to attend trainings and learn the process from Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona and Ihaleakala Hew Len, Ph.D. She is committed to the process as it has changed her life forever. What she loves most about this process is it’s only between her and God and everyday moment by moment she has the opportunity to clean and come back to a pure heart experiencing peace beyond all understanding. Michele lives in the Philadelphia area and has been on staff since 1992 and has been an Instructor since 1997 and Coordinator for Philadelphia since 2009. She also has taught SITH® classes IN PERSON in the USA and Australia and ONLINE in the USA, South America and Europe.




learned Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® (SITH®) in 1983 in Hawaii and immediately became a staff member. She taught and worked directly with SITH® Creator Morrnah Simeona, and she worked with and took classes from Master Instructor Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len. She was SITH® Director of Teaching from 1985-6 and the SITH® California Coordinator from 1997-2000, and 2018 to the present. Over the past 41 years Dr. Ramstrum has taught IN PERSON classes in the United States, Canada, China, Korea, Russia, Taiwan, Romania, and Japan. Dr. Ramstrum has taught ONLINE classes in the United States, Romania, Mexico, Portugal, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, India, China, Korea, Taiwan and Japan.
Dr. Ramstrum is a Basic II certified IZI LLC Instructor doing SITH® Private Sessions in Japan, Taiwan, China, Argentina, India, and Romania.

Dr. Ramstrum uses SITH® in every aspect of her life to achieve balance, freedom, and peace. Dr. Ramstrum is a musician, publisher, editor, visual artist and author of seven published music theory, ear training and composition textbooks. Dr. Ramstrum is Emeritus Professor of Music at San Diego Mesa College and directs a choir for the San Diego Community College Continuing Education Program.



She attended her first Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® (SITH®) class in 2009 presented by Dr Hew Len, and fascinated by the simplicity and power of the teaching, she attended the Business Ho’oponopono class the same year in Holland. Since then it is a part of her life, where she enjoys the benefits of it both in her professional and personal life.

After 20 years’ experience in Human Resources, now she continues her professional life by organizing personal and group events as a certified transformation Game Facilitator , Family Constellation therapist and Cash Flow Master Trainer.

She is most happy for practicing, teaching and learning the sacred Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® process which brought clarity, peace, joy and contentment to her life and Muge is eternally grateful to Morrnah and Divinity for being allowed to practice this sacred process day by day as Peace begins with the Self. Muge has taught classes IN PERSON: in Italy, in Ireland, and in Turkey, and classes ONLINE: in Romania, in Sweden and in USA.




attended his first Self I-Dentity Through Ho’oponopono SITH® class in 2006 in Dublin. He constantly applied the method for three years before becoming the coordinator for Italy. In 2009 he organized the first SITH® class in Italy with Ihaleakala Hew Len, Ph. D, and Mary Koehler – My Wild Irish Rose. He has been teaching IN PERSON classes in Italy, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Sweden, Turkey, the United States, Russia, Asia and ONLINE classes in Italy, Ireland, Sweden,Turkey, the United States and Asia.

He is grateful for having had the opportunity to translate in Italian the Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona book: Dewdrops of Wisdom. The cleaning made him realize how much is important either self love, taking care of himself and letting go, instead of being worried about the outside things. Throughout this practice he experienced many miracles, such as friends and students being healed from severe illness like cancer and depression, or successfully going through heavy family fights and financial troubles.

He experienced the strength of Ho’oponopono when he had to move from his family, being able to stay in the place of love, peace and gratitude for the gifts, the three kids, he had received from life.
Nello applies the SITH® method in his practice as an Engineer, he is also a Mediator and Official Technical Consultant for Verona Court. He is the founder and coordinator of a Center for Spiritual Development. He constantly and joyfully applies SITH® process in aspects of his personal life, health, work, finances, and relationships.

Nello is an IZI LLC Instructor doing SITH® Private Sessions in Italy, Japan, China, Taiwan, Singapore and Malaysia.




Patricia Buchhalter has been practicing Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® since attending an IZI LLC sponsors SITH® class with Master Instructor Mary Koehler.

First and foremost, she is a mother of two young men and a wife. She is also a meditation teacher and a Bach Foundation Registered Practitioner (BFRP). She integrates Ho’oponopono tools into her work as a Bach Flower therapist, continuously cleaning whatever is within her that resonates with each client’s journey.

Patricia has coordinated IZI LLC SITH® classes in Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Peru, and Spain. She has also taught ONLINE classes in the USA, South America, and Europe, as well as IN PERSON classes in Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, and Peru. Additionally, she has conducted ONLINE/IN PERSON classes in Argentina and Spain.

As an IZI LLC Instructor, Patricia also offers SITH® Private Sessions in Argentina.

She is deeply grateful to Morrnah Simeona and IZI LLC for Ho’oponopono, a practice she finds profoundly simple and accessible to all. Discovering Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® has been a transformative experience, filling what she describes as the missing piece in everything she had done before.

This practice has brought her greater inner balance and a deeper connection with Divine Inspiration. She feels truly blessed, as she now experiences her vocation unfolding more from a place of zero.

“Since practicing Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono®, I have experienced being one with my inner family, flowing with the Rhythm of Divinity, feeling grateful and full of love. Peace of I.”




Native Hawaiian, first met Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona in 1982. She learned the gift of SITH® from Morrnah in Hawaii in 1983.

Embracing this beautiful practice based on repentance, forgiveness and transmutation, has afforded her the opportunity to clean with family, relatives, ancestors and all in creation, moment to moment, enriching her life with purpose and clarity.  She came to Washington, D.C. in 1979 to work for the late U.S. Senator Daniel K. Akaka, retiring in 2013 at the close of his career in Congress.

Through Morrnah’s guidance, Senator Akaka and she were blessed in assisting and witnessing the coming home of the Lady of Freedom to the U.S. Capitol Visitor Center.  She has been the Coordinator for the Washington, D.C. SITH® classes since 1984 to the present.

She has taught SITH® classes ONLINE in the US, Argentina, Korea, Mexico, Romania, India classes and IN PERSON in the US, Former Soviet Union (Kazakhstan), Japan, Korea, People’s Republic of China, Singapore and Taiwan, the Republic of China.



attended her first Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® (SITH®) class in 1999 and began assisting with these classes shortly thereafter. In 2003, she began coordinating and presenting classes in Albuquerque, New Mexico. She has taught SITH® classes IN PERSON & ONLINE in the USA.

Risa is an office manager in the financial services industry, a licensed massage therapist and enjoys painting. Through the years she has found SITH® to be especially helpful; inspiring and guiding her relationships, work and painting. It is an essential part of her daily life both personally and professionally. Risa is so grateful for the SITH® process and it’s tools, which moment by moment allow for balance, peace and love to manifest. With SITH® she experiences an overall ease of being; less worry, less stress and more flow.



learned Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® (SITH®) in 2012 from Mary Koehler – My Wild Irish Rose. From that time cleaning is her way of life. She became an Instructor on 2014 and a Coordinator in 2017 Sena has taught classes ONLINE in the USA, Brazil and Turkey and classes IN PERSON in Germany, Romania and Turkey. She is also an IZI LLC Instructor doing Private Sessions in Izmir, Turkiye both in English and Turkish languages.

She experienced the treasure and the freedom of cleaning. Her experience with Ho’oponopono showed her the perfection in more things. She felt more often the purity and the connection with life. For Sena, Ho’oponopono is a very special gift given for us to remember who we are.




studied psychology, embodied movement, awareness, meditation and many different healing modalities. She always felt something essential was missing until she learned about Self I-Dentity Through Ho’oponopono®.

Taking her first class with Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len and Mary Koehler-My Wild Irish Rose in 2009, she felt a profound shift in every aspect of her life and felt like she finally found the key she had been looking for so long.

All her relationships improved, including her relationships with her family, community, Nature, Cosmos, and Divinity. She realized that when she applies her Ho’oponopono, Divinity’s solutions to problems are always beyond her limited thinking, imagination, and expectations.
In 2017, she became a SITH® Instructor, and in 2018, she opened her company ITREE to coordinate SITH® Classes in Turkey, Istanbul. She has taught SITH® classes IN PERSON in Turkey, Germany, and USA, and ONLINE classes in Turkey, Sweden, India and USA.

Being President of the Family Business in Turkey, she continues applying her cleaning daily, moment by moment.




Smadar was told about Ho’oponopono in 2011, at the time she went through a challenging divorce and was practicing many other modalities: yoga and meditation since 1986 and energy work. She went through powerful and different initiations but the only thing that saved her from herself and her thoughts/emotions was the cleaning process.

Cleaning changed her life so much that it is the wings she is flying with this days, experiencing divine guidance and support in all areas of her life. Surrendering to Divinity is the most smart move she has done. She is always striving to deepen her connection with Divine and thankful for cleaning opportunities using SITH® in her life, her country of Israel and the whole word.



is a Psychoanalyst and body Therapist. She loves to paint and sing. She was first introduced to Self I-Dentity through Ho`oponopono®️ ( SITH®️) in 2012. After taking the Basic II class in Hawaii she became the a coordinator of for the IZI LLC classes in Belo Horizonte, Brazil in 2018. She became an Instructor in 2021, with instructing ONLINE classes in Brazil and Hawaii.

Countless changes have amazed her in her life since her first contact with Ho’oponopono. She has experienced how Peace is possible by the simple choice of relentlessly maintaining the SITH®️ processes, taking 100% responsibility for cleaning and letting go. She has found this simple and lovely process is very profound and transformative. The angle from which she sees life unfolding, becoming vast, permeated with unusual possibilities. And by this amazing Morrnah Simeona’s gift – SITH®️, there is the powerful feeling of gratitude and love for living the freedom that comes with inspiration.



first learned SITH® from Morrnah Simeona over 37 years ago in Pennsylvania. During this time she has applied her tools throughout her work in home health care assisting elderly, handicapped, disabled and addicted clients. Using the SITH® Tools with her work has made her particularly fond of the Health Ho’oponopono, experiencing the importance of focus on specific memories like fine tuning the lens of a camera.

Now living here in Hawai’I and particularly as of late, working with her little 5 ½ acre farm, more and more she is increasingly aware of the importance of the Business Ho’oponopono as a business of Life. She has come to realize she cannot have a Healthy / Working relationship outside of self until there is a good Health and Business order of affairs within.

Her first class was in Philadelphia, PA, Feb. 1986… volunteered as staff for the very next class and has been supporting SITH® ever since. She is now coordinator and Instructor for Volcano, Hilo and Kona on the Hawai’I Island and coordinated the Gold Coast, Hawai’I, BASIC II in 2012.
IN PERSON classes include USA, Europe, Australia, Canada, South America. ONLINE classes include USA, South America, Asia and Southeast Asia.

Wai`ale`a is also an IZI LLC Instructor doing SITH® Private Sessions in Asia and Southeast Asia
