Morrnah’s Questions and Answers
In the Ho’oponopono process Self -I-Dentity consists of the three aspects of the SELF or MIND in partnership with the Divine Creator. The SELF —- subconscious, conscious and superconscious or what the Hawaiians class the Unihipili, Uhane and Aumakua —- exists in every atom and molecule of Creation. The three aspects are also known as the inner family: the father, mother and child. MS
Ho’oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian process, updated for today’s use, that allows for the RELEASE of problems and blocks that cause stress, imbalance and dis-Ease within SELF. MS
To make right; to rectify an error. MS
To bring peace and balance in a simple and effective way by cleansing spiritually, mentally and physically through a process of repentance, forgiveness and transmutation. MS
Ho’oponopono can be used by all regardless of age, race or creed. It is interdenominational, intercultural and international. The process is not limited to man’s use only. It can be used for animate and inanimate objects as well. MS
The use of the Ho’oponopono process is unlimited and can be used on any problem or situation. MS
Ho’oponopono creates peace, balance, wisdom, love and freedom within the individual, the family, community, nation, world and Universe. MS
Informal Questions and Answers
The informal Q & A please note:
Any information or discussions below does not replace or override the Self I-Dentity through Ho`oponopono® (SITH®) copyrighted materials in a SITH® class.
Is there a difference between practicing Ho`oponopono and practicing Self I-Dentity through Ho`oponopono® (SITH®)?
Yes, Self I-Dentity through Ho`oponopono® (SITH®) is different from traditional Ho`oponopono practices. Historically, Ho`oponopono has been used as a system to solve problems and conflict resolutions from a man to man approach.
Self I-Dentity through Ho`oponopono® (SITH®) is a Hawaiian problem solving process updated by Kahuna Lapa`au Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona for modern times. It is a process between one’s self and the Divine Creator. Karma and Divine Providence are the final arbiter of each one’s application of the SITH® process.
Self I-Dentity through Ho`oponopono® (SITH®) is copyrighted.
Will practicing Self I-Dentity through Ho`oponopono® (SITH®) conflict with my current religious practices?
Practicing SITH® provides the opportunities for Divine Inspiration to guide our daily lives and practices.
When is the best time to practice SITH®?
SITH® may be practiced 24/7.
It is moment to moment process that can be applied to any error in thoughts, words, deeds and actions from the beginning of creation to the present.
What kind of results should I expect from practicing SITH®?
Practicing SITH® is about “Letting Go and Let GOD”.
There are no expectations of yielding specific results or outcomes from applying the process as Divine Intelligence is the final decision maker.
Only Divinity, our Creator, knows what our errors are and the correct timing of their release to send forth the perfect and right solution to each individual, each I-Dentity.
Can I join a SITH® support group?
Morrnah Simeona always said, “I have no followers”.
The practice of SITH® is between the individual, his or her own tri-une and Divinity. This relationship of the tri-une and connection to Divine Intelligence is your support group.
Can I use SITH® to heal myself? To heal other family members?
The main purpose of SITH® is to discover the Divinity within one’s self through the petitioning for the release of memories that we experience as problems and with Divinity sending forth the divine healing blessings.
When one applies the SITH® process of self, our family, relatives and ancestors are always included in the appeal.
SITH® is not about “fixing others”. It is only about “cleaning self”, making amends with our errors that we are experiencing as everyday problems.
How do I clean with a certain situation for a specific outcome?
Having an expectation is a memory. We don’t clean for a specific outcome, we clean for the memory/data to be released and transmuted by Divinity. So we clean, use a tool, and let go and Let God(I). Now you’re at zero. Being at zero allows inspiration to come with the perfect and right answer/guidance for the situation.
What do you mean I’m 100% responsible?
It means that you take 100% responsibility to clean with the memories/data that show up. It’s not about guilt, blame, or shame. It’s just about saying “Oh, I see a problem/situation here and I’m going to clean”. You don’t need to know what the memory/data is, Divinity knows – you just clean.
My loved one is severely sick, how can I help him/her through SITH®?
Applying SITH® on the situation, letting go all thoughts and memories about pain and sufferance, you will be able to connect yourself and your loved one with the Divine Intelligence, the only arbiter of our life. The person who is in pain needs first love, care, peace of mind and inspiration; Ho’oponopono may give you and your loved one these attitudes.
Sometimes the “four phrases” (thank you, I love you, I’m sorry, please forgive me) works, however sometimes I do not see the same benefits: do you teach anything beyond those phrases during the Self I-dentity through Ho’opopnopono® class?
The four phrases are useful when you have not attended any IZI class and you want to apply Ho’oponopono. Actually during the classes we teach the complete Self I-dentity through Ho’oponopono® practice as created by Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona. The practice includes prayers, meditations, breathing method, the complete 12 step process and even very simple physical exercises for rebalancing. We share also a wide set of cleaning tools, giving directions how to use them and the situations more appropriate where to apply.
My boss/colleague at work is bullying me, is SITH® useful to solve this situation?
Proposed response: SITH® helps you to be in charge of your life, teaches you that nobody and nothing from outside is the real cause of your sufferance. You have shared memories with your boss, and through those memories the boss can hurt you. The first step is to release, let go the memories that run into yourself about the situation. When you erase your internal memories, your boss cannot hook you again. Through the cleaning, applying Ho’oponopono, it is like you return safe, as the vulnerability depends only by memories running into yourself. Very often, when this happens, that person changes the attitude toward you.
Will I create the results I want if I use the SITH® process?
As we use the self I-dentity through ho’oponopono process moment per moment, cleaning with requests, intentions, prayers, impatience, disappointment or anything else that arises, we can get back to Zero and allow Divinity, ever present, to take over and inspire what is right and perfect for us.
"I" AM THE "I"
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